PhilAmSeniors.Org – "If you did the same thing you did yesterday as you did today as you will do tomorrow, what have you done? The same thing." -Stedman Graham
PhilAmSeniors.Org – "If you did the same thing you did yesterday as you did today as you will do tomorrow, what have you done? The same thing." -Stedman Graham



In our road map to 2050, it is imperative to mention. that along with our goal, our body have to be healthy. We have to be able to function and to enjoy activities we desire to do.

      At this point, we can talk about the causes of not achieving our goal.

(1) From age ‘0 to 80’ the number one culprit is Heart attack.

(2) Until the medical field can find some solution to Cancer, it is the second cause of death which may take up to 20 more years.

(3) Organ failures is third and

(4) Accidents.

      What do we need to do knowing the above factors. The solution is simple but hard to do.

We need discipline because it will be against our will. The secret is diet and exercise.

Regarding diet, we have to avoid foods that helps to tighten our arteries and block the flow of blood, particularly pork and beef. The safe way is to concentrate on eating more fish and vegetables.

Exercise: before getting out of bed when we wake up. Tigthen our stomach and raise your head and upper body to replace belly fats into muscles.(100 X) daily..Drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday to maintain water in our system….

Walking and muscle strengthening will help over time.

Utilize your U-Tube and watch Doc Willie and Doc Lisa. Also Dr. Gary Sy and 

Dr. Arboleda (Zynergy). 

Also in U-Tube start to learn Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency. It might replace our paper money (Dollar) in the future.

-Dan Deguzman